Newsletter #2/2017
Welcome to the QTSpace Newsletter
- QTSpace hands over a strategic report on “Quantum Technologies in Space” to ESA and EU Commission’s representatives
- ESA 2nd workshop on “Quantum Technologies – Implementations for Space”
QTSpace hands over a strategic report on “Quantum Technologies in Space” to ESA and EU Commission’s representatives
15 November 2017, ESA-ESTEC
On 15th November 2017, during the ESA Workshop on Quantum Technologies Angelo Bassi, Chair of QTSpace, handed a strategic report on “Quantum Technologies in Space” over to ESA and the EU Commission, represented by Franco Ongaro (Director of Technology, Engineering and Quality and Head of ESTEC) and Jean-François Buggenhout (Deputy Head of Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission).
The strategic report, prepared a scientific committee of 28 academic and industrial partners, identifies the state of the art and policies for the technological development of quantum devices for space applications.
The report was presented in its intermediate form.
The report is now open to the community for feedback. Follow the link or visit the QTSpace website to download the report and leave a comment. The deadline is 31st December 2017. Based on the comments received, a Final Report will be prepared.
ESA 2nd workshop on “Quantum Technologies – Implementations for Space”
14 – 15 November 2017, ESA-ESTEC
ESA held, on 14th and 15th November 2017 in the ESTEC premises, the second workshop on Quantum Technologies for space.The following session topics have been covered:
- Applications
Earth and Planetary remote sensing
Time and frequency distribution
Communications—including satellite (quantum) networks
Fundamental Physics - Programmatics
Around 150 people, representing the scientific and industrial community, as well as the relevant stakeholders, took part to the meeting.
The Core Group of QTSpace was invited by ESA to be part of the Scientific Programme Committee.
Manager: Angelo Bassi, Strada Costiera 11, 34151, Trieste – ITALY