Image Licenses
The image used in the front page and here below reported is an artistic version of a screenshot taken from the film “2001: A space odyssey” directed by Stanley Kubrick, whose rights are controlled by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. The imaged is hosted on severs in Italy by the University of Trieste.
It is believed that the use of this screenshot is in accordance with Article 70, clauses 1, 1-bis and 3 of the Italian Law No. 633 of April 22, 1941, for the Protection of Copyright and Neighboring Rights (as amended up to Decree-law No. 64 of April 30, 2010), according to which “The abridgement, quotation or reproduction of fragments or parts of a work and their communication to the public for the purpose of criticism or discussion, shall be permitted within the limits justified for such purposes, provided such acts do not conflict with the commercial exploitation of the work; if they are made for teaching or research, the use must have the sole purpose of illustration, and non-commercial purposes” (clause 1). “The free reproduction of low-resolution […] images and music though the internet shall be permitted if it is made for teaching or research, and only for non-commercial purposes”(clause 1-bis). “The abridgement, quotation or reproduction must always be accompanied by a mention of the title of the work, and of the names of the author, the publisher […]” (clause 3).
Any other uses of this screenshot may be copyright infringement.
The rights of the present artistic version belong to Angelo Bassi and Matteo Carlesso, in accordance to Articles 4 and 6 of the above mentioned Law: “Without prejudice to the rights subsisting in the original work, works of a creative character derived from any such work, such as translations into another language, transformations into any other literary or artistic form, modifications and additions constituting a substantial remodelling of the original work, adaptations, arrangements, abridgements and variations which do not constitute an original work, shall also be protected” (Article 4). “Copyright shall be acquired on the creation of a work that constitutes the particular expression of an intellectual effort” (Article 6).
The image can be freely used for non-commercial purposes, within the limits set by the law, and credits shall be given to the authors.