Welcome to the QTSpace Newsletter
- Policy White Paper on QT in Space: seeking the support of the community
- Joint EC – ESA meeting on “Quantum Communication Infrastructure for Europe – Space Segment”
- 4th Quantum Technology Workshop at ESA-ESTEC
Policy White Paper: seeking the support of the community
The White Paper summarises the state of the art in the development of quantum technologies, with clear potential for space applications, and delineates a clear roadmap for the consideration of major actors in this area, from EC to ESA, the national space agencies and industries. The goal is the drawing of a full framework for the design, development, implementation, and exploitation of quantum technologies for space.
We welcome the support of the White Paper from the European scientific and industrial community, as well as policymakers. You are kindly invited to fill in the registration form at the link:
Joint EC – ESA meeting on Quantum Communication Infrastructure for Europe – Space Segment
The European Commission and the European Space Agency jointly organize a one-day workshop in Brussels on the 30th September 2019 on “Quantum Communication Infrastructure for Europe – Space Segment”. It will take place in the premises of the European Commission in Brussels (DG GROW main building). Several of you should have received a personal invitation.
The main objective of his workshop is to collect and discuss industry and research perspectives for potential space infrastructure options for various use cases together with relevant QCI (Quantum Communication Infrastructure) stakeholders, including industry, research and the user community.
4th Quantum Technology Workshop at ESA-ESTEC
The Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality of the European Space Agency organizes the 4th workshop on “Quantum Technology – Implementations for Space” at ESTEC in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, on 2 – 3 October 2019. The purpose of the workshop is to follow on to last year’s workshop and for ESA to identify possible areas of collaboration for the implementation of Quantum Technologies in space with the Quantum Technology commercialisation programmes that have recently emerged within the ESA member states. The workshop will focus on the progress made since last year. In particular, we would like to highlight:
- New initiatives
- New collaborations
- New goals, new strategic developments
- New technical developments
- Emerging markets, both commercial and institutional
Registration is open till 13th September, via the link: https://atpi.eventsair.com/QuickEventWebsitePortal/19c15-4th-quantum-technology-workshop/website
Manager: Angelo Bassi, Strada Costiera 11, 34151, Trieste – ITALY
Contacts: news@qtspace.eu