Welcome to the QTSpace Newsletter
- QTSpace at QT Flagship kick off – Vienna (AU)
Focus session “Quantum Physics in Space” – Noordwijk (NL)
QTSpace at QT Flagship kick off
29-30 October 2018, Vienna (AU)
The QT Flagship kick off meeting (Vienna, 29-30 October) hosted a ‘focus session’ on space applications of quantum technologies, coordinated by QTSpace. During the session, an update of current coordination activities has been presented, and the discussion focused on three directions for future actions: a) Refine the relevant scientific community that is actively involved in QT for space, and coordinate it; b) Maintain a factual, open, collaborative and fruitful communication channel with DG CONNECT and DG GROW; c) Explore the possibility of space-dedicated projects within the QT Flagship, in preparation for future space applications.
The link to the website is: https://qt.eu/news/flagship-kickoff-in-vienna/
Focus session “Quantum Physics in Space”
21 November 2018, Noordwijk (NL)
In the context of future space-based experiments using macrosopic quantum systems for testing the foundations of quantum physics, this focus session is dedicated to the state of the art in ground-based experiments, potential future experiments and the case for space of those efforts. Emphasise will be given to the need for space for macroscopic quantum experiments.
Link to the workshop:http://maqro-mission.org/events/focus-session-quantum-physics-in-space/
Manager: Angelo Bassi, Strada Costiera 11, 34151, Trieste – ITALY
Contacts: news@qtspace.eu