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Implementing Quantum Technologies in Space

Quantum technologies enable completely new possibilities in fields ranging from sensing to metrology and secure communication. Major efforts world wide aim for implementing quantum technologies for applications. These endeavors are driven by massive public and private investments. Of particular interest are quantum technologies in space where technology traditionally is at

Optomechanical route to macroscopic quantum superpositions

The aim of this workshop is to pin-point the suitability of levitated optomechanics as a test-bed for the investigation of the validity of quantum theory at the mesoscopic and macroscopic scale; identify the fundamental challenges of such tests and the it will address opportunities offered by a space-based configuration; compare

Lisbon Training Workshop on Quantum Technologies in Space

The Training Workshop in Lisbon will cover all topics of the QTSpace COST action on quantum technologies in space, combining tutorials, hands-on training and technical talks from the different stakeholders on their latest developments. In particular, the Workshop will cover talks on the state-of-the-art in the main scientific fields currently

WG3@QTSpace meets at Arcachon

WG3 @ QTSpace meets at Arcachon to discuss the targets for the next proof of principle experiments for quantum technologies in space based on the outcome of the very successful MALTA meeting. The QTSpace event will be in parallel to ICOLS 2017. QTSpace members are invited to participate.

QTSpace meets in Malta

The Malta meeting will be the first scientific meeting of this Action. It will set the scene for the forthcoming four years, by identifying questions that the Action aims to address. It will be organised along the lines of the four main themes addressed by the action: Fundamental studies, Applications,